Executive Bylines

AI Voice: Working With, Not Against, Humans

[AI] is not a replacement for human creativity and ingenuity. That's especially true for new applications of the technology, such as AI voice.

Speech Technology Mag

What Tech Leaders Should Consider About the Ethical Use of AI in the Metaverse

With the advent of the metaverse…ethical use will become an important point of concern for both brands and users.


It’s rare in the animal kingdom to have a complex neural memory system that can recognize unique facial features, but it can be found in Apis mellifera, the honey bee.

Like AI, Honey Bees Can Recognize Human Facial Attribution


To reach new markets and continue to expand their brand typically was an investment only prominent players could make. But AI voice levels the playing field, making content localization faster, more cost- and time-efficient, and scalable.

Moving Beyond Basic Content Localization With AI


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